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Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integrated development proposal released
| Updated: 2015-08-24 15:40:59 | By Liu Yiyi (chinadaily.com.cn) |

Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli recently hosted a conference on the integrated development of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei. At the conference, a proposal giving guidance on the integrated development was released.

According to the proposal, integrated development is based on a core and two cities. The core is Beijing, which will relieve non-capital functions and improve its core functions as the capital city. Solving Beijing's problems is the primary mission of integrated development. The two cities represent Beijing and Tianjin, the major engines driving the integrated development.

The proposal focuses on three axels and four districts. The axels are the industrial belts connecting Beijing and Tianjin; Beijing, Baoding, and Shijiazhuang; and Beijing, Tangshan, and Qinhuangdao. The four districts are the Central Core Functional Area, the Eastern Coastal Development Area, the Southern Functional Exploration Area, and the Northwestern Ecological Reserved Area.

According to the proposal, the development has many core cities with regional centers in four Hebei cities - Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Baoding, and Handan. The core cities are seven Hebei cities - Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Langfang, Qinhuangdao, Cangzhou, Xingtai, and Hengshui.

Based on the conditions of the three places, a modern urban system with clear positioning, reasonable division of labor, complete functions, and livable environment will be built to boost environmentally friendly and smart urbanization.

The functions and positions of each city have been decided, with the goal of a world-level city cluster centered on the capital city, with a model of the entire area for integrated reform, innovation-driven economic growth, and ecological renovation.

According to the proposal, Beijing will develop into the national political, cultural, technology and global communication center. Tianjin will become a national research base, global shipping center, and pilot area for reforms and financial innovation. Hebei province will be an important base for modern trade and logistics, industrial transition, and Ecological protection area.

The proposal also enacts the short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals of the integrated development. The short-term goal is to relieve Beijing's non-capital functions and receive significant effects by the end of 2017. The mid-term goal is to limit the total population of Beijing to 23 million, integrate transportation, and improve the environment by 2020. The long-term goal is to optimize the capital functions of Beijing and integrate with the Tianjin and Hebei economies by 2030.

Integrated transportation is a major breakthrough in the proposal, which includes a complete railway network. Highways and roads will also be improved, and a world level airport hub will be established including a new airport in Beijing. The area will improve transportation standards and develop secure, environmentally friendly, and sustainable transportation.

To protect the environment, the proposal will eliminate administrative limitations and establish a unified mechanism for pollution management. The area will also emphasize circular economy and build a ring of national and forest parks around the capital. The area will also actively deal with problems of climate change.

Industrial transition is another focus. The three areas will unify their development proposals to enhance industrial cooperation within the region.


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