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Tianjin Business
Tianjin FTZ sees upgrade of aircraft leasing
| Updated: 2015-05-06 17:27:25 | By Liu Yiyi (chinadaily.com.cn) |

Tianjin's Dongjiang Free Trade Zone has witnessed the country's first large-scale airplane leasing and equity transfer with aircraft leasing. The transfer, between ICBC and the Agricultural Bank of China, was supported by China Southern Airlines and Shenzhen Airlines.

These two trades marked the improvement of China's aircraft leasing and a new chapter of leasing capital exchanges.

Around 90 percent of the import and export of large-size airplanes are completed in the Dongjiang Free Trade Port Zone. The area has completed leasing of 476 aircrafts by the March of 2015.

In addition, after Dongjiang completed the first aircraft imported and bonded leasing in the end of 2009, nearly all the innovative models of aircraft leasing business are generated in the area. Dongjiang becomes the representative of China's aircraft leasing industry.

After five years' rapid development, the aircraft leasing corporations has contributed around $25.3 billion capital in Dongjiang.


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