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Tianjin Business
Tianjin to build itself into a strong maritime power
| Updated: 2014-10-23 15:58:40 | (chinadaily.com.cn) |

A total of 38 maritime projects with an investment of 2.35 billion yuan ($384.1 million) were launched in North China’s harbor city of Tianjin on Oct 21. All of them are demonstration innovation projects of the city’s maritime economy.

As a follower of East China’s Shandong province, South China’s Guangdong province, and East China’s Zhejiang province, and Fujian province in East China, Tianjin has been the fifth demonstration zone on the innovative development of the maritime sector approved by the State Council.

China's Ministry of Finance and State Oceanic Administration recently approved an investment of 5.68 billion yuan on 47 projects, which cover a group of industries, such as maritime facility manufacturing, and the desalination and comprehensive utilization of seawater, according to Cai Mingyu, director of the city’s oceanic administration.

"The sales revenue of all these 38 projects is estimated to reach 3.23 billion yuan. In addition, the projects will contribute 1.85 billion yuan in added value to the industry," Cai said.

The remaining nine demonstration projects will be launched next year. "During the demonstrative period, the central government will earmark special funds for the projects," added Cai.

He added that with the support of the 47 demonstration projects, both the maritime facility manufacturing, and the desalination and comprehensive utilization of seawater will witness a rapid seawater desalination, with a total added value of 84.8 billion yuan and an average increase of 20.4 percent annually.


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