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Tianjin Daily life
Volunteer students help kids discover their dreams
| Updated: 2014-07-23 16:34:25 | (chinadaily.com.cn) |

Six students from Tianjin University volunteered to teach in Fengyu, a small town in Yunnan province for two weeks. They then organized a review meeting to talk about things they had learned after volunteering on July 21.

The volunteer students gave dancing and singing lessons to kids and organized knowledge competitions. They also taught drawing and shared their experiences. Kids living in the mountain are curious about the world outside and they have all kinds of questions to ask. Volunteers are touched by the kids’ naivety and curious about their thirst for knowledge.

Fengyu is a famous historical town and the second largest Bai natural village in China. 60 percent of kids live with their grandparents as their parents are out to work. Most of them wish their parents could attend their parents’ meetings one day. They have little chance to get to know about life outside. Volunteer students talk about their college life to them as it’s important for kids living in the mountains to have a dream about college.

Volunteer students also bring funds to improve the education quality of Fengyu and create QQ communication groups as well as collect kids’ wishing cards. Tianjin University will also get more involved with Fengyu and send more students to help there.


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