Community News

One nation - two different standards 2013-01-08
Whenever people from Mainland China visit Hong Kong they are always amazed. I think Hong Kong is an amazing place, but what I am amazed at and what Chinese people are amazed are quite different things.
To divorce or not?- A painful decision 2012-12-12
Just recently I read a salutary tale of a husband and wife, both lawyers, who went through such a messy divorce and resulting custody battle for their three children, that their £3.2 million pound house had to be sold to fund the legal costs.
Jet skis to the rescue 2012-08-06
When Tianjin resident Tang Jiawei upgraded his favorite jet ski, among 30 that he owns, he wasn't expecting to turn into a lifesaver.
Snap happy 2012-07-11
What is it about Chinese people and their love of taking photos?
Emerson String Quartet 2012-06-21
The Emerson String Quartet stands alone in the history of string quartets with an unparalleled list of achievements over three decades.
Expats history in Tianjin: Changing traffic in Tianjin 2012-06-12
There are some of us who may still remember the old yellow 'mìan bāo chē' that plied Tianjin roads in the days when cars were fewer and bicycles more numerous.
Expats history in Tianjin: Tientsin's Race Course 2012-05-04
As we enter the month of May, it is appropriate to consider the excitement which this month held for previous people in Tianjin as it meant the racing season…
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