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Winemaker plans overseas buys to tap high demand
Dynasty Fine Wines Group plans to buy foreign vineyards to produce fine wines.
National non-material cultural heritage exhibition kicks off in China's Tianjin
The exhibition, which kicked off here on Wednesday, presented more than 70 items of China's non-material cultural heritage.
Binhai New Area
Eco-city poised for leading role
The coastal city of Tianjin aims to set a global benchmark for eco-cities, officials said on Tuesday.
UN climate talks in Tianjin may face three major knots
( Xinhua )

The third obstacle lies in the transfer of technology and funds, while the key problem in the transfer of technology is the intellectual property right.

Currently, the negotiating progress nearly stalled on the technology transfer issue. As for funds, its sources, management and distribution remain quite uncertain.

Despite the three major obstacles, some sparkles, or positive scenarios, may appear in the talks.

For example, at the Copenhagen Conference last year, developed countries said that they will offer additional 30 billion U.S. dollars each year from 2010 to 2012 to help developing countries tackle climate change.

A high-level UN team reportedly is lobbying around the developed countries for funds. At a recent meeting in New York, UNFCCC head Chiristiana Figueres said that 28 billion U.S. dollars has so far been collected this year, very close to this year's target.

However, the developing countries doubted it. They believed that some of the funds collected came from the aid originally offered by developed countries and were just "pasted with a climate label" . Whether developing countries will accept the practice is still a problem.

The Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties (AWG-KP) will convene their 14th session here since it was established in December 2005 under the Kyoto Protocol to discuss a draft proposal by its chair.

Meanwhile, the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action (AWG-LCA) will convene their 12th session since it was launched in 2007 under the UNFCCC to focus on a negotiating text prepared by its secretariat.

This is the first time for China to host such UN climate change negotiations.

The Tianjin negotiation is an event held by the United Nations and China just plays a role as the host country, said Li Gao, a senior negotiator from China's National Development and Reform Commission.

It is wrong to believe that China may exert more influences over the talks as the talks are held in China, Li said.

The talks are a multilateral process and what progress will be made in the talks depends on the negotiators from the participating parties, Li added.

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