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Tianjin Port to raise HK$2.4b
Tianjin Port Development Holdings Ltd said yesterday it will raise a net HK$2.4 billion placing 986.5 million shares at HK$2.50 each.
Aquilaria Art Museum opens in Tianjin
China's first Aquilaria Art museum has opened in Tianjin's Five Main Street Area.
Binhai New Area
Zong Guoying elected head of Binhai New Area
Zong Guoying was elected head of Tianjin's Binhai New Area at the first session of the first People's Congress of Binhai.
China to become world's largest host country for int'l tourists

China's tourism industry has a good prospect and according to the forecast of the World Tourism Organization, China will become the world's largest country to receive inbound tourists in 2020, said a special envoy for Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization at the China Tourism Industries Festival in Tianjin on Sunday.

China to become world's largest host country for int'l tourists
A street in China

China has rich natural and cultural resources in tourism industry. With China's further opening up to outside world and the growing improvement of its tour facility, China will have a increasingly status in the world tourism industry, according to the envoy.

He also said the successful holding of the 2008 Olympics in Beijing had greatly enhanced China's reputation. He suggested that on one hand, China could further develop its Olympic brand to increase the influence of its tourism industry, on the other hand China should create tourism brands in various aspects.

Source:People's Daily Online

Editor: Lency

TIANJIN City of Glamour