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Tianjin Port to raise HK$2.4b
Tianjin Port Development Holdings Ltd said yesterday it will raise a net HK$2.4 billion placing 986.5 million shares at HK$2.50 each.
Aquilaria Art Museum opens in Tianjin
China's first Aquilaria Art museum has opened in Tianjin's Five Main Street Area.
Binhai New Area
Zong Guoying elected head of Binhai New Area
Zong Guoying was elected head of Tianjin's Binhai New Area at the first session of the first People's Congress of Binhai.
Online tour guide hot among tourists

www.tjtour.cn, a website of Tianjin tourism, has set a channel to guide tours since March. Netizens are able to search for suitable routes as long as they set the defined destinations, time-period, and price requirements.

To date, over 60 travel service agencies in Tianjin have publicized about 3000 detailed tour routes, including destinations, starting dates, time-period, price, and tourism products.

As of now, hundred of thousand of netizens have visited the website and thousands of them have placed online orders, which embody a concentrated reflection of the tourism tendency this summer.

Short tours are still most visitors’ first priority.

In addition, beach tours to Qingdao, Laoshan, Dalian, and Beidaihe are also becoming popular among travelers, due to the hot weather.

Other beach destinations include Shandong Province’s Rizhao City and Tangshan’s Jinshan Island.

By Xie Fang

TIANJIN City of Glamour