Lights, food, and cultural entertainment adorn Tai'an for Spring Festival

( Updated: 2019-01-30

3. Dai Temple

To enrich the cultural life of visitors and Tai'an citizens, Dai Temple is to hold a series of activities to create a joyful festive atmosphere.

① Traditional Opera Performance

Professional performers of Shandong bangzi or wooden clapper opera, which is popular in the rural areas of the province and was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage in May 2006, will be invited to give performances of classic opera works.

Date: Feb 5-6

Performing hours: 9:30-11:30, 14:00-16:00

Location: Tanghuai Garden of Dai Temple

Lights, food, and cultural entertainment adorn Tai'an for Spring Festival

A performer in costume and makeup performs a traditional opera. [Photo/]

② Shehuo

Shehuo, a folk show celebrating the customs of traditional Chinese festivals, will bring visitors performances, like yangko (a popular rural folk dance), land boat, and flower-drums (a folk dance popular in the Yangtze River Basin).

Date: Feb 5-6

Location: Courtyard of Dai Temple

③ Children's Entertainment

A recreation area for children will be prepared during the Spring Festival holiday. There, children will be able to play classic games, such as hopscotch, hoop rolling and spinning tops.

Date: Feb 5-10

Location: Tanghui Garden of Dai Temple

④ Exhibition of Chinese Zodiac Culture

According to the Chinese zodiac, 2019 is the Year of the Pig. The exhibition in Dai Temple will explain in detail the origin of the Year of the Pig and offer related literary quotations.

Date: Feb 5-20

Location: Peitian Gate of Dai Temple

⑤ Sales Exhibition of Characteristic Tourist Products

Date: Feb 5-10

Location: Between Ren'an Gate and Tiankuang Hall of Dai Temple

⑥ Exhibition of Manchu Embroidery

Date: Jan 10 – Feb 25

Location: Peitian Gate of Dai Temple

⑦ Exhibition of Mount Tai Dough Modeling

Date: Feb 5-20

Location: Former exhibition room for Mount Tai Temple Fair at Dai Temple

⑧ Exhibition of Intangible Cultural Heritages and Traditional Handicrafts

Date: Feb 5-10

Location: Between Ren'an Gate and Tiankuang Hall of Dai Temple

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