Xiao Xianjing
Updated : 2019-11-04
Xiao Xianjing was born in Nanjing in Jiangsu province in May 1964 and is a professor and doctoral supervisor of the Chinese Academy of Science, as well as a 1996 graduate of Shanxi University’s Institute of Technology and Society. Xiao also serves as deputy director of the youth work committee of the Chinese Society for Dialectics of Nature and a member of the China Environmental Philosophy Committee.
Xiao’s research focuses on the philosophy of science and philosophy, ecology politics and philosophy, as well as scientific communications.
In recent years, Xiao has published more than 10 books including "Post-modern Ecological Science and Technology: From a Constructive Perspective", "Ecological Politics: The Choice of the Country in the Face of Environmental Problems", "Scientific Experience Method" and "Scientific Rational Method".
Xiao has also published over 70 academic papers in Chinese and international journals, including "Dynamic Dialectics Newsletter", "Teaching and Research", "Science and Technology Herald" and "Sociologist Teahouse".
Xiao’s academic papers have also received several awards. Among them were The Conception of Social Thinking, which won third prize in the Outstanding Papers of Shanxi Youth Science Conference Award in January 1996, as well as The Realist Significance of Scientific Facts, which won the Natural Dialectics Youth Achievement Award in May 1996. In addition, his paper The Philosophical Foundation of Science and Environmental Protection won first prize at the ninth National Young and Youth Academic Seminar in Harbin in August, 2003.
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