Lyv Xuefeng
Updated : 2019-11-04
Lyv Xuefeng, who was born in Linxian in Shanxi in 1974, is currently a researcher and a doctoral supervisor of the Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as leader of the bio-metabolism engineering team and the director of the Biocatalysis and Conversion Center. Lyv graduated from the Department of Chemistry at Shanxi University in 1997.
From 2005-2008, Lyv conducted postdoctoral research in bioengineering at the Department of Chemistry at the prestigious Stanford University in the United States. In 2008, Lyv was selected as a candidate of the “100 Talent Program” of the Chinese Academy of Science.
Lyv has years of experience in the study of cyanobacteria synthetic bioliquid fuel and energy microbial molecular enzymology, and has published 14 academic papers in international journals such as Biotechnology Advances, the Journal of American Chemical Society, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Biochemistry and Metabolic Engineering.
In recent years, Lyv has completed several projects for the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National 973 Program and the Chinese Academy of Science.
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