Hydrangeas in full bloom in Chenshan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2019-06-08

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With summer finally here, the hydrangeas are in full blossom at Chenshan Botanical Garden.

Chenshan boasts a wealth of hydrangeas in an array of vibrant colors. The radiant flowers grow in dense bulb-like clusters and reach their peak in June. They will remain in bloom until July or August.

Hydrangeas in full bloom in Chenshan

Hydrangeas are in full bloom at Chenshan Botanical Garden. [Photo/WeChat Account: csnbgsh]

Hydrangeas in full bloom in Chenshan
A cluster of purple hydrangeas. [Photo/WeChat Account: csnbgsh]

Hydrangeas in full bloom in Chenshan

A cluster of blue hydrangeas. [Photo/WeChat Account: csnbgsh]

Hydrangeas in full bloom in Chenshan

H. paniculata, a species of hydrangea at Chenshan Botanical Garden. [Photo/WeChat Account: csnbgsh]

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