International Wine and Spirits Museum

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Updated: 2016-10-28

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The International Wine and Spirits Museum, the largest wine museum in Asia, is located in Shanghai Sheshan National Tourist Resort.

Set in Chenshan Mountain, next to Chenshan Botanical Garden, the museum houses an amazing 24 million bottles of wine and spirits.

Most of these bottles are stored in the museum's enormous 26,000-square-meter warehouse, which is built inside a cave on Chenshan Mountain. The cave helps keep the wine at a stable temperature between 16 and 18 C.

The warehouse is also the largest third-party wine cellar in the Chinese mainland to have received the Wine Storage Management Systems Certificate from Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA).

International Wine and Spirits Museum

The interior of the wine cave at the International Wine and Spirits Museum in Chenshan [Photo/wechat: Sheshanlvyou]

The museum, which opened its doors in December 2015, offers Chinese wine lovers an unprecedented opportunity to experience wine cultures from all over the world at home, including displays on documentary records, brewing equipment and liquor containers.

The center also acts as a platform for foreign wine producers to show Chinese customers their products, history and culture without having to pay to exhibit at a wine fair.


Museum lobby

The center's spectacular European-style lobby sets the tone for the museum. The room features six-meter-high French windows, and is decorated with oak barrels and hundreds bottles of wine displayed on the table.

Classical European style corridor

The corridor is built in a medieval European architecture style, and also displays numerous modern exquisite wine sets and wine art pictures.

Valley Garden

International Wine and Spirits Museum

The Valley Garden acts as a rest station connecting wine and nature. [Photo/wechat: Sheshanlvyou]

The garden is located on the second floor of the museum, connecting the corridor and sunlight room.

Echoing Pavilion

International Wine and Spirits Museum

The circular echoing pavilion is lined with shelves displaying hundreds of wines. [Photo/wechat: Sheshanlvyou]

Designed by American architect Kyle Mcrtensmeyer, the pavilion is set inside the wine cave. Besides admiring the hundreds of bottles on display, visitors can enjoy the “whispering gallery” effect created by the pavilion’s circular design, allowing them to hear echoes from even the slightest noise.


The terrace on the third floor of the museum, surrounded by fresh air and green bamboo, is the perfect place for anyone who wants to relax in a natural "oxygen bar".

Opening Hours: 10 am to 4 pm everyday

Address: (Gate 3 of Chenshan Botanical Garden) No 3888 Chenhua Road, Songjiang district

Public Transport: Dongjing Station, Metro Line 9; Bus No 19 or Zhusong Line

Only for visitors with reservations:

Tel: 021 3701 3018

Cell: 135 2457 5590


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Official Website of the Sheshan National Tourist Resort, Shanghai