Sheshan National Tourist Resort boasts best theme park facilities

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Updated: 2014-09-23

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Shanghai Happy Valley and Shanghai Playa Maya Water Park, the two theme parks located in the Shanghai Sheshan National Tourist Resort, Songjiang district of Shanghai, welcomed 60 delegates, the participants of Theme Park & Resorts World Asia Congress, on Sept 14.

Sheshan National Tourist Resort boasts best theme park facilities

60 delegates of Theme Park & Resorts World Asia Congress visit the Shanghai Sheshan National Tourist Resort.[Photo/]

Visitors appreciated the excellent decorations of “Happy Ocean” that specially set up family-child amusement projects for three-person families. As part of Shanghai Happy Valley, it has introduced more than 40 pieces of equipment that have won golden prizes in global water park meetings.

Sheshan National Tourist Resort boasts best theme park facilities

Happy Ocean provide family-child amusement facilities.[Photo/]

In addition, Shanghai Playa Maya Water Park, with 90% projects imported from abroad, will introduce new amusement projects to offer tourists its beauty in winter. It provides favorable conditions for plant irrigation with its amusement facilities built alongside a natural watercourse.

Sheshan National Tourist Resort boasts best theme park facilities

Delegates visit Shanghai Playa Maya Water Park to learn more about its advanced facilities.[Photo/]

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