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Jiading holds precision medicine conference

( ) 2021-11-15

Jiading holds precision medicine conference

The 5th Annual Meeting of Precision Medicine Society of the China Medical Biotech Association (CMBA) and the 2020 Industry Conference on Precision Medicine is held in Shanghai's Jiading district on Nov 13. [Photo/WeChat account: sh-jiading]

The 5th Annual Meeting of Precision Medicine Society of the China Medical Biotech Association (CMBA) and the 2020 Industry Conference on Precision Medicine was held in Shanghai's Jiading district on Nov 13.

This year's conference was themed on "setting the milestone of oncology precision medicine and developing invasive immunocell therapy".

The conference attracted both domestic and foreign first-class innovative research and development scientists, clinical therapists, as well as elites in the diagnostic testing technology industry to attend in both online and offline venues where they carried out in-depth discussions on industry development, technological innovation, and clinical practices.

Attendees also explored the challenges that the new technology of precision medicine faces under the global COVID-19 pandemic in order to boost technological innovation and cross-field cooperation in China's precision medicine field.

At the opening ceremony of the conference, all the attendees stood in silent tribute to Wu Mengchao, a pioneer in the precision medicine field of China, who established the Precision Medicine Branch of CMBA.



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