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Danghu Academy

( ) 2020-04-23

Danghu Academy

Danghu Academy is the only academy in Shanghai that was built during the Qing Dynasty. [Photo/]

Sitting beside Qingyun Bridge in the local Confucius Temple, Danghu Academy was initially named Xingwen Academy and was built in the first year of the Yongzheng period (1723) of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).

In 1755, the 20th year of the Qianlong period, the establishment was renamed Yingkui Academy. Ten years later, Du Nianceng, the then magistrate of Jiading, renovated the building, opened a new lecture hall, and gave the academy its current name to honor his predecessor Lu Longqi, who had made remarkable governmental and educational progress when he was in office.

On the east side of the academy stand sculptures of Cheng Jiasui, Tang Shisheng, Li Liufang and Lou Jian, the "Four Masters of Jiading", who gained fame both at home and abroad for their poetry and calligraphy.

The academy covers 486 square meters and is the only academy in Shanghai that was built during the Qing Dynasty.



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