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Jiading shortlisted for 15-minute community life circle pilot

( ) 2019-08-26

Juyuan New Area in the Jiading district of Shanghai has been shortlisted in a newly-released list of 15-minute community life circle in Shanghai, according to a local report on Aug 26.

The 15-minute community life circle aims to enable local residents to enjoy relatively complete basic public services such as seniors care, education and sports facilities within a 15-minute walk from home.

In 2018, Juyuan New Area proposed to build a "10-minute basic service circle" which can be traversed within 10 minutes of walking and will be suitable for living, and working over the next three to five years.

As the only qualified pilot, with the goal of "quality updating and improving", and based on greenbelts, squares and greenways, Juyuan New Area is committed to building a new home with a green environment and vibrant and shared space.

Jiading shortlisted for 15-minute community life circle pilot

Local residents in Juyuan New Area, Jiading district enjoy the convenience of the 15-minute community life circle. [Photo/]



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