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Taicang to launch bus route to Shanghai in Oct

( ) 2019-05-17

Taicang in Jiangsu province decided to launch a bus route to Jiading, a district in Shanghai in October, according to local transport bureau.

The to-be-launched route starts from ancient Liuhe town in Taicang and ends in Huating town in Jiading district.

Two bus routes in Jiading – No 59 and No 60 will also be extended to Ludu town and Science and Education New Town of Taicang respectively this October.

One year ago, Taicang signed a strategic agreement on interprovincial bus service with Jiading district, the first of its kind in the Yangtze River Delta region.

Such a move is an implementation of the agreement.

In recent years, the two sides have seen growing close relations.

In May last year, Suzhou's Taicang and Kunshan, and Shanghai's Jiading district established an innovative development alliance to enhance their exchanges and cooperation in technology, industries, urban planning, the environment, transportation, people's livelihoods and professional talents.



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