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Jiading to introduce countryside bus routes

( ) 2019-05-17

Jiading to introduce countryside bus routes

With the new bus routes, more visits are expected and are predicted to give regional rural tourism development a boost. [Photo/]

Jiading district is planning bus routes straight to countryside, of which the first is expected to open in the first half of the year.

Visitors used to have to drive out there themselves to enjoy the countryside of Jiading. But with the new bus routes, more visits are expected and are predicted to give regional rural tourism development a boost.

In one case, the route of the No 62 bus will be upgraded to encompass a total route of 16.25 kilometers, passing through the old part of Jiading, Xuhang town and Caowang town.

The bus stops of the No 62 bus will be decorated with screens and cultural elements, and serviced by electronic vehicles.

Jiading to introduce countryside bus routes

The bus stops of the No 62 bus will be decorated with screens and cultural elements, and serviced by electronic vehicles. [Photo/]

Xuhang's beautiful rural construction and its unique local elements will be promoted in Jiading North Station Hub and on No 62 buses as well, focusing on Xuhang straw weaving, steamed cakes, ceramics and kites.

Luo Yuanshun, a native from Jiading's Nanxiang town, is glad to see such buses, suggesting a route passing tourist attractions like Guyi Garden, Jiading Library and Jiading Confucion Temple would also be great for the area.



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