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Jiading residents celebrate Lantern Festival

( ) 2019-02-21

The Lantern Festival, celebrated annually on the 15th day of the first lunar month, fell on Feb 19 this year. It is one of the most significant traditional festivals in China.

Watching dragon and lion dances, solving lantern riddles and eating yuanxiao (sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour) are a few of the most popular activities across China during the Lantern Festival.

Over 50 residents in Jiading district took part in an offline activity organized by Jiading People's Broadcasting Station to celebrate the festival together, featuring the history and customs of the Lantern Festival and the holiday traditions of Jiading.

Participants tried their hand at making lanterns with paper and bamboo sticks, writing their new year wishes on them and enjoyed guessing lantern riddles.

Jiading residents celebrate Lantern Festival

Over 50 residents in Jiading district take part in an offline activity organized by Jiading People's Broadcasting Station to celebrate the festival together, Feb 19. [Photo/]

Jiading residents celebrate Lantern Festival

Participants hold their handmade lanterns and pose for a group photo, Jiading district, Feb 19. [Photo/]



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