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9-year-olds in Jiading become bank workers for the day

( ) 2018-08-03

A group of nine year olds in Jiading district, Shanghai got an early taste of what it might be like to work in a bank, as they paid a visit to a local branch recently.

The children experienced the jobs of bank teller, cash escort, and security guard, and learned the skill of counting cash under the guidance of professionals.

This event formed part of a summer vacation activity organized by the Jiading Women's Federation to give local children an opportunity to experience different professions.

The activity gave the children an opportunity to learn about the outside world and to broaden their horizons.

A parent of one of the students surnamed Ye spoke highly of this event. "My child now knows more about the bank operation process as well as some things about anti-fraud through this event, which is a great help to his future development."

Other jobs children can experience through the activity this summer include being a law officer, cleaner and doctor.

9-year-olds in Jiading become bank workers for the day

A group of nine year old children experience what it is like working in a bank in Jiading district, Shanghai. [Photo/WeChat account: sh-jiading]

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