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US youth basketball coaches dribble into Nanxiang

( ) 2016-06-24

US youth basketball coaches dribble into Nanxiang

Coaches from the Youth Basketball Development League, a US basketball training institution, teach kids how to dribble in Nanxiang town, Jiading district, Shanghai,on June 11. [Photo/]

Families in Nanxiang town, Jiading district, Shanghai, were treated to a crash course in basketball skills on June 11, after an American training team paid a visit and put the children through their paces.

Coaches from the Youth Basketball Development League (YBDL) from Florida in the US, one sponsor of the event, divided the children into groups and taught them how to dribble, pass and shoot the ball.

The highlight of the event was an elimination shooting competition with the winner claiming the MVP (most valuable player) award.

YBDL is a professional basketball training institution that is dedicated to teaching young people the skills of basketball.



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