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Nanxiang plans to open youth football classes

( ) 2016-03-29

Nanxiang plans to open youth football classes

Chen Liang, former defender of the Chinese national football team, teaches children skills of playing football at Nanxiang town, Jiading district, Shanghai. [Photo/]

Around 30 children from Nanxiang town, Jiading district of Shanghai got the opportunity to take part in a football course coached by a professional football player Cheng Liang on March 27, local media reported.

Chen Liang is the former defender of the Chinese national football team and former team leader of Shanghai Greenland Sehnhua Football Club.

The event was sponsored by Nanxiang Youth Sports Club, with the aim of enabling local kids to feel the joy in sports and arousing their interests in football.

Under Cheng's guidance, the children practiced some basic moves of playing football, such as shooting and running with the ball.

Some parents said they are happy that their kids are participating in such an activity, which is good for children's health.

And the club said that it plans to open youth football classes and hire Cheng Liang as the coach. The classes are expected to meet the needs of local young football enthusiasts.



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