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Home for the elderly

By Wu Ni ( ) 2015-04-17

A community service center for senior citizens and physically or mentally impaired people officially opened in Jiading district on April 16.

The Harmony Neighborhood Center, which is located at Gaochang road in downtown Jiading, covers a total area of about 3,200 square meters. It has daycare service rooms for the elderly, a canteen providing inexpensive meals, a sunshine home, or government-funded mental health rehabilitation center, as well as other facilities.

Elderly residents in communities near the center can enjoy a rich and convenient life there. They can dine in the canteen, read in the library, and practice calligraphy at a painting room. If they would like to do some sports, they can jog in treadmill in the fitness room, and then have a bath, and even have their clothes washed in a public laundry room.

Chen Jianhua, director of the Harmony Neighborhood Center, said the center mainly serves senior citizens, which account for more than 30 percent of the population in the community. In the future, the center will offer residents other services including massage, haircut, book lending and more spaces for exercises.

Home for the elderly

The Harmony Neighborhood Center at Gaochang road in downtown Jiading officially opens on April 16. [Photo by]

Home for the elderly

Old people read at a reading room of the Harmony Neighborhood Center. [Photo by]



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