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Thousands attend 2013 Taiwan Business Fair in Jiading

By Chen Zhilin ( ) 2013-10-09

Thousands attend 2013 Taiwan Business Fair in Jiading

The 2013 Xingshanghui Taiwan Business Fair is held at the Shanghai Automobile Exhibition Center in Shanghai's Jiading district between Sept 9 and Oct 7.

Thousands attend 2013 Taiwan Business Fair in Jiading

This year's event includ more than 1,000 booths for exhibitors from Taiwan, in three exhibition halls.

An estimated 160,000 visitors seeking products related to Taiwan's economy, culture, arts, as well as tourism attended the 2013 Xingshanghui Taiwan Business Fair, which was held at the Shanghai Automobile Exhibition Center in Shanghai's Jiading district between Sept 9 and Oct 7.

This year's event included more than 1,000 booths for exhibitors from Taiwan, in three exhibition halls.

Business people from six of Taiwan's most popular night markets, including Shilin and Keelung, brought various Taiwan snacks for visitors, such as oyster omelets, rice cake from Tainan, Dorayaki cake, and fried tempura.

Visitors also had the opportunity to buy seafood from Penghu Islands, sun cakes from the Taiyang Tang Lao Dian Food Ltd, dried roselle from Taitung, high mountain tea, and other Taiwan specialties.

The sponsors of the eight-day fair invited entertainers to give Taiwan folk performances – such as Shaolin Kung Fu, Electric-Techno Neon Gods, and "golden light" puppetry - and singers from both the Chinese mainland and Taiwan performed popular songs.

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