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Photo exhibition for retired journalists kicks off in Guyi Garden

( ) 2013-08-07

Over 50 photographs of lotus flowers shot by 11 retired journalists in Shanghai went on display as the Guyi Garden Photo Exhibition kicks off in Nanxiang in Shanghai's Jiading district on July 27.

Gong Xinhan, former deputy minister of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, addressed the event, while Jia Shumei, honorary president of the Shanghai Journalists' Association, inaugurated the exhibition.

Lotus flowers of different varieties are in full bloom midsummer, attracting the attention of photographers. Several retired photojournalists, invited by Guyi Garden and Xinmin Evening News, recorded the breathtaking scene with their cameras during the first Shanghai Lotus Exhibition. They showed their works in the photo exhibition.

The lotus exhibition occurs during the most beautiful season, when different types of flowers bloom and spread their beauty and fragrance. The Number 36 Space Lotus, Qingling Red Lotus and Peony Lotus are among the biggest draws.



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.