Video: Splendid scenes of waterfall on Kunyu Mountain
2021-07-20A waterfall comes down from Jiulongchi Lake on Kunyu Mountain, creating a splendid summer scene.
RCEP treaty is a chance for better deals, says Henkel vice-president
2021-07-19The signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement is a wonderful thing.
Video: How a car is made in Yantai
2021-06-24Views of sunrise and sunset in Yantai
2021-05-31The sunrise and sunset along the coastline in Yantai, Shandong province create charming scenes. Click the view to see more.
Video: Chinese egrets spotlighted on Changdao Island in May
2021-05-28In the early summer, hundreds of yellow-billed Chinese egrets come to Gaoshan Island.
Yantai spring scenery through lens
2021-05-08Yantai enjoys charming views in Spring when flowers burst into bloom.