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ICH artworks exhibited for CPC's centenary
Updated : 2021-07-07
An exhibition featuring intangible cultural heritage artworks is underway at Yantai Cultural Museum.
The exhibition displays more than 60 artworks from seven county-level cities and districts, covering paper-cutting, Jiaodong bobo, woolen embroidery, and Laizhou jade carving.
As part of the third Yantai Citizen Culture Festival, the exhibition was organized to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

Visitors admire a huge paper-cutting artwork themed around Yantai apples. The work was created by Yi Peijun, an inheritor of Yantai paper-cutting, and measures 5.2 meters in length. [Photo/WeChat account: ytwlgw]

A paper-cutting artwork at the exhibition [Photo/WeChat account: ytwlgw]