The life of an oncologist in China
The life of an oncologist is special among doctors of other specialties, and being a female doctor makes this more unique.
How Yantai puts culture at the center of urban renewal
Like many cities in China, Yantai's urban landmarks are its large shopping mall in Wanda Square and its largest skyscraper, Yantai Shimao No 1 The Harbor, which is home to a Hilton hotel.
My week as a celebrity
So there I was in Linzi district, standing under an enormous statue of the Qi emperor and facing a television camera. The director patiently but urgently repeated the Chinese words I was supposed to learn on the spot, while 12 other people representing the television station and the local government looked on.
Taichi: A dream come true
Once I arrived in China, it was my dream to learn tai chi and kung fu and master the techniques of martial arts.
Serendipity in China
In one year I have learned a lot here and still this journey continues, with promising prospects.
Butterflies in amazing colors seen in Shandong
A butterfly is seen among flowers in the Butterfly Valley scenic spot in Yishui county, East China's Shandong province, Oct 6, 2017.
Renovation of 1,000-year-old high school starts in Shandong
China has started to renovate a 1,000-year-old high school in East China's Shandong province.