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Weifang focuses on international strategies

Recruitment, industrial upgrades and environment enhancement considered vital for development of high-tech zone

Signs of internationalization are everywhere in the Weifang High-Tech Industrial Development Zone — LED screens use Chinese and English scripts, advertisements have English introductions and English subtitles are part of the news program on the development zone's local TV station.

Wang Xianling, deputy secretary of the CPC Weifang committee and secretary of the CPC Weifang High-Tech Development Zone Working Committee, said internationalization is a "must-do" to adapt to the new normal economy and promote innovation-driven development.

Wang said local authorities need to accelerate industrial upgrades, enhance operational efficiency and broaden their horizons to build the development zone into an innovation highland in China. The zone is making continuous efforts toward internationalization by ramping up its talent recruitment, industrial upgrades and environment enhancement.

Global platform

The best-known development platform in the zone is Blue Wisdom Valley, which is backed up by Weifang Yanyuan High-tech Park of Peking University, Tuspark Business Incubator of Weifang supported by Tsinghua University and CAS (Weifang) Innovation Park.

Weifang focuses on international strategies

Blue Wisdom Valley is the best-known development platform in the Weifang High-Tech Industrial Development Zone. Photo provided to China Daily

"Blue Wisdom Valley, which opened in April 2015, is the only technology park outside Beijing that is supported by Peking University, Tsinghua University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences," said Shi Bingxin, director of Blue Wisdom Valley's Service Center.

"Blue Wisdom Valley is a market-oriented, government-supported and professionally operated innovation platform. Blue Wisdom Valley and the Weifang InnoSpring Incubator established by the zone in the United States are bridges that connect the development zone with the world."

He said the development zone has established partnerships with many high-tech incubators and accelerators in the US after launching Blue Wisdom Valley and the Weifang InnoSpring Incubator. The zone also established close relationships with research and development centers including the University of California and the Rice University Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology.

The zone has become a talent hub, with 26 experts named in the Thousand Talent Plan and 30 pro-fessionals named in the Taishan Scholar Laureate Plans by the end of January, according to officials.

Internationally acclaimed professionals have brought their latest research results to the zone. In the service center of the CAS (Weifang) Innovation Park, LED screens display more than 50 of the latest research results in sectors such as semiconductors and bioscience.

Figures from the authorities say the development zone has over 60 world-leading technologies.

Overseas expansion

Liu Xiangwu, chairman of the board of Shengrui Transmission Corp, said traditional manufacturing businesses will not develop well without exploring the international market.

Shengrui was established in 2003 as an engine parts supplier. Liu said he believes that low-end manufacturing businesses will not remain sustainable. All companies need to learn better development methods from the global market, he said.

Shengrui is focusing on automatic transmission development to upgrade its products. Last year, it developed a plug-in front-engine 8AT transmission that represents the most advanced technology in the industry. Shengrui became the supplier for Fiat and John Deere with the newly developed 8AT and opened a branch in the United States.

Weifang focuses on international strategies

Shengrui Transmission Corp's 8AT production line uses the most advanced technology in the industry. Photo provided to China Daily.

"A key in internationalization is product internationalization," said Song Chifeng, deputy secretary of the CPC Weifang High-Tech Development Zone Working Committee and director of the zone's administration committee.

Supported by the local government, companies in the zone have achieved outstanding results in over-seas expansion in the past few years.

GoerTek, an electro-acoustic components, electrical accessories and LED packaging manufacturing company in Weifang, acquired Denmark-based loudspeaker maker Dynaudio in 2014.

Weichai Power, another key player in supporting the zone's industrial transformation and innovation, has also expanded its global business.

Weichai took control of the world's largest luxury yacht manufacturer Ferretti in 2012. Weichai also acquired Linde Hydraulic in 2012, easing China's dependence on imported hydraulic products.

Weifang focuses on international strategies

The Weichai Group took control of the world's largest luxury yacht manufacturer Ferretti in 2012. Photo provided to China Daily.

Companies in the development zone had established more than 100 branches, overseas offices and R&D centers overseas by January. Over 100 companies have export businesses. Weifang companies also registered 721 international brand names, according to the zone.

Home for international talents

The development zone is adding foreign elements in the city's construction process to attract talent from around the world.

"Developing an international living environment is key to supporting the development zone's internationalization process," said Pan Haoquan, director of the International Cooperation Office of the development zone.

Pan said the development zone works hard to provide an international environment for its foreign staff. It launched an English-language TV program and subscribes to English-language newspapers for related companies. It has also trained multi-language staff members to meet the needs of foreign talent.

The development zone plans to develop more international schools to provide high-level education for the children of overseas staff.

Weifang focuses on international strategies

A teacher with The Ameri-Can International Academy plays with students. Photo provided to China Daily.

The local government believes that infrastructure facilities enhancement is another key step in building a good living environment for global staff. The zone invested 1.14 billion yuan ($175 million) on 79 municipal engineering projects and 17 community service centers projects aiming at promoting smart services in the zone.

The development zone's efforts to build a superior living environment are attracting an increasing number of overseas professionals.

Liu Jie contributed to this story.

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