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Haier shows latest smartwatch
Chinese tech companies on Tuesday showed off their innovation power at the world's largest mobile industry exhibition in their bid to challenge foreign giants.
The 16th Yantai Municipal People's Congress begins
On Feb 17, the Sixth session of the 16th Yantai Municipal People's Congress held in Yantai International Expo Centre.
The Monkey King's monk
The venerable Buddhist monk Xuan Zang undertook a perilous journey to India around 1,300 years ago. Now, an upcoming film
Qingdao to build 10 technological innovation centers

The science and technology commission of Qingdao, Shandong province, announced the construction of 10 major technological innovation centers in the next five years, on Feb 22, in a bid to boost local industry and high-tech enterprises in the city.

The 10 innovation centers will cover the fields of marine, high-speed trains, rubber materials and equipment, intelligent manufacturing, medicine, big data and cloud computing, scientific instruments, new energy vehicles, graphene and virtual reality technology, according to Qingdao's government work report for 2016.

The marine technological innovation center will be aimed at the research of biological medicine, deep sea and marine engineering equipment and marine farming.

The graphene center will focus on improving its application in transparent conductive film, seawater desalination and composite materials.

09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island