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Sinopec to close four oilfields in Shandong
China's second-largest oil major will shut down four oilfields in the country's eastern Shandong province to stay afloat amid plummeting oil prices.
The 16th Yantai Municipal People's Congress begins
On Feb 17, the Sixth session of the 16th Yantai Municipal People's Congress held in Yantai International Expo Centre.
The Monkey King's monk
The venerable Buddhist monk Xuan Zang undertook a perilous journey to India around 1,300 years ago. Now, an upcoming film
China opens more inbound duty free shops

China has opened 19 new inbound duty free shops for domestic shoppers, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) said on Monday.

The new duty free shops are in 13 airports including Guangzhou Baiyun, Hangzhou Xiaoshan and Qingdao Liuting, and six ports.

Passengers can carry up to 8,000 yuan ($1,230 dollars) worth of duty-free goods, up from the previous 5,000-yuan limit, when clearing the customs, the MOF said.

The new shops will feature more products than existing inbound duty free outlets, the MOF said.

09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island