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Qingdao Businesses Set Sail for Southeast Asia
Qingdao, the coastal city in East China's Shandong province and a key harbor on the Maritime Silk Road, has taken great advantage of investing in the global market.
High-end office buildings redefine Shinan cityscape
As Qingdao becomes more attractive as a base of operations for regional enterprises, the high-end commercial real estate market is flourishing in the city.
'The most difficult job of my life'
For Rudi Wolf, the past month has been the most challenging and tiring he has ever had to endure. It has also been one of the most rewarding.
Kindness walls bringing extra warmth to the needy

Everything on the "Wall of Kindness" is free to those who need it, giving the homeless and impoverished residents a chance to dress themselves in warm clothes amid the recent cold.

In 2014, a South African named Max Pazak came up with the idea of a pop-up clothing swap shop that made it easier for people to donate and more dignified to receive.

Since then, kindness walls have sprung up in Chinese cities, including Qingdao, Shandong province.

In Qingdao, hooks and hangers have appeared on the side of a building under the words: "If you need something, take it.""It is just like what you would do at home. You hang up your clothes when you have finished wearing them and you take them down again and put them on when you are going out," said Wang Lei, director of Chuangyi Workshop, a local charity organization that is spearheading the program in Qingdao.

When clothes were first hung on the wall, passers-by thought they were for sale, said Wang, but after they learned the truth, people slowly started to come up and try them on.

"This is a simple, immediate way of helping people and it makes my spare clothing useful to others," said Qingdao native Tan Jing, who was dropping her second load of clothing off at the wall in two days.

Wang has been touched by people's generosity. "Some of the clothing is practically new. I don't even have to wash my hands after sorting it," she said.

Jiang Tao, publicity director for the China Philanthropy Research Institute, said the initiative removes the stigma of people having to ask for charity.

Contact the writer at huoyan@chinadaily.com.cn

Xinhua contributed to this story.

Kindness walls bringing extra warmth to the needy

A resident hangs a coat on the Wall of Kindness on Jiading Road, Qingdao city, East China's Shandong province, Jan 31, 2016. [Photo/IC]

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