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Qingdao Businesses Set Sail for Southeast Asia
Qingdao, the coastal city in East China's Shandong province and a key harbor on the Maritime Silk Road, has taken great advantage of investing in the global market.
High-end office buildings redefine Shinan cityscape
As Qingdao becomes more attractive as a base of operations for regional enterprises, the high-end commercial real estate market is flourishing in the city.
Small potatoes bake big dreams
A Western-style restaurant opened in Shandong on Jan 9, 2016.A more than 10,000 yuan revenue was made on the second day of its trial operation.
Shandong's biggest ice sculpture museum to open in Qingdao

The biggest ice sculpture museum in Shandong province will open in the Qingdao West Coast New Area for the location's first Ice and Snow Festival on Jan 29.

Shandong's biggest ice sculpture museum to open in Qingdao

An ice sculpture featuring a fairytale castle. [Photo/dailyqd.com]

The museum, located at the Qingdao West Coast Beer Square, covers an area of over 2,000 square meters. So far, up to 700 tons of ice has been used to make the sculptures.

The colorful ice-engraved works, created by master sculptors from Northeast China's city of Harbin, will enthrall the visitors with displays featuring magical and famous sites such as a fairytale castle and the Statue of Liberty, according to the event organizer.

On Jan 29, a series of activities will be held including a light show, float parade and bonfire party. The museum closes on May 7.

Shandong's biggest ice sculpture museum to open in Qingdao

A worker engraves blocks of ice. [Photo/dailyqd.com]


09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island