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Qingdao Businesses Set Sail for Southeast Asia
Qingdao, the coastal city in East China's Shandong province and a key harbor on the Maritime Silk Road, has taken great advantage of investing in the global market.
High-end office buildings redefine Shinan cityscape
As Qingdao becomes more attractive as a base of operations for regional enterprises, the high-end commercial real estate market is flourishing in the city.
Small potatoes bake big dreams
A Western-style restaurant opened in Shandong on Jan 9, 2016.A more than 10,000 yuan revenue was made on the second day of its trial operation.
Oil paintings show old memories of Mountain Taishan

An oil painting exhibition has attracted large numbers of visitors to Mountain Taishan, Tai'an city of Shandong province since Jan 24 this winter.

"Old City Memories--Ten Years", created by local artist Bu Bing has put some 50 oil paintings on show in a local bookstore. His works display old agricultural tools, ancient temples, period houses and other forgotten things that are slowly disappearing in the historical city. Those of an older generation among the visitors have welcomed the artist's thoughtful remembrances of the old ways of life.

Bu Bing plans to exhibit the oil paintings of old memories of Mountain Taishan and the surrounding areas each year for ten successive years. He said the series was inspired by a sketching outing he took last year, when he found it hard to find the old city landscape in his memory and that the city was losing its historical features.

During the exhibition, a photography show and arts seminar on the same topic will also be held. Artists will come together to discuss Tai'an local arts.

Oil paintings show old memories of Mountain Taishan

Visitors at the oil painting exhibition, in Mountain Taishan, on Nov 24 [Photo by Yang Yujie and Yin Qianqian/China Taishan Network]

Oil paintings show old memories of Mountain Taishan

Visitors at the oil painting exhibition, in Mountain Taishan, on Nov 24 [Photo by Yang Yujie and Yin Qianqian/China Taishan Network]

09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island