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Dong-E-E-Jiao eyes food brands
A dwindling supply of raw material is forcing a leading traditional Chinese medicine producer to shift business in a different direction.
Foreign teaching starts young in Qingdao
Second-grader Pan Siyue always looks forward eagerly to Thursdays, as that is the day for lessons in international understanding.
Much ado about Bamboo
For the past six months, Lyu Zhidao says he has worked 20 hours a day, devoting himself to one project - China's Milan Expo pavilion.
County officials sacked after gypsum mine collapse

Four county officials were sacked for their responsibility for the collapse of a gypsum mine that left one miner dead and 17 others trapped Friday in East Shandong province.

Party chief of Pingyi county, the county head and two deputy heads were sacked for "a series of work safety incidents" in the county, the county government said at a conference on Tuesday afternoon.

The gypsum mine accident happened at 8 pm, Friday when 29 people were working underground. One is confirmed dead, four managed to escape, and another seven have been rescued so far.

The owner of the mine drowned himself by jumping into water when working with the rescue team early Sunday morning.

The cause of the accident is under investigation.

Source: Xinhua

09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island