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Dong-E-E-Jiao eyes food brands
A dwindling supply of raw material is forcing a leading traditional Chinese medicine producer to shift business in a different direction.
Yantai-South Korea cooperation into new stage
The cooperation between Yantai and South Korea will enter a new stage as two new South Korean projects settle in Yantai, Shandong province.
Much ado about Bamboo
For the past six months, Lyu Zhidao says he has worked 20 hours a day, devoting himself to one project - China's Milan Expo pavilion.
Gypsum mine collapses in east China, many feared buried

Gypsum mine collapses in east China, many feared buried

Scene of the mine collapse. [Photo/Weibo] 

A gypsum mine in Pingyi county, East China's Shandong province, collapsed on Friday morning, Xinhua reported, citing sources with the local government.

Four out of 29 miners working at the site climbed to safety after the accident took place at 7:56 am Friday, local news portal sd.dzwww.com reported. The location of six miners stuck underground has been confirmed and a rescue operation is underway while 19 remain missing, said the news portal.

Authorities have rushed about 90 firemen to the scene. It is not clear if there are casualties.

The impact of the collapse was as strong as a magnitude 4 earthquake with a depth of 10 kilometers, according to Xinhua.

Currently local railway authorities are checking the safety of railway lines and four trains are running late.

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