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Unmanned plant protection helicopters shine at food expo

Unmanned plant protection helicopters became the most eye-catching exhibitions during the 16th International Fruit, Vegetable and Food Exposition.

Paintings on fallen leaves showcase city beauty
A series of paintings on fallen leaves featuring scenic spots and landmarks in Qingdao, Shandong province, recently went viral on the Internet.
Star power publishing
Le Jia was about to launch his new book, his publisher decided to hold a public signing event in Beijing.
Confucius cemetery mapped for better management

Confucius cemetery mapped for better management

A visitor poses for a photo in front of Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu. [Photo/Xinhua]

Managers of the cemetery holding the remains of Confucius and his descendants have begun using a new electronic system mapping the site and keeping tabs on visitors.

The 200-hectare cemetery, part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the philosopher's hometown of Qufu city in Shandong province, has been mapped by the city's cultural relics bureau.

The map shows roads, rivers, pipelines, firefighting facilities, tourist attractions, buildings and ancient trees. About 7,000 stone tablets and over 20,000 tombs are shown, according to Kong Deming, head of the site's funeral administration office.

Access to the cemetery is restricted on special occasions such as Tomb Sweeping Day every April and Confucius' birthday in September, when descendants are allowed to enter and burn incense paper, a custom in Chinese commemorations of ancestors. These visitors will now be provided with key cards to scan upon entry.

The new system will record personal information from the cards, strengthening management of fire hazards, said Kong.


09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island