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Unmanned plant protection helicopters shine at food expo

Unmanned plant protection helicopters became the most eye-catching exhibitions during the 16th International Fruit, Vegetable and Food Exposition.

Paintings on fallen leaves showcase city beauty
A series of paintings on fallen leaves featuring scenic spots and landmarks in Qingdao, Shandong province, recently went viral on the Internet.
Star power publishing
Le Jia was about to launch his new book, his publisher decided to hold a public signing event in Beijing.
Maritime silk road voyage to promote China's sailing city

Qingdao China, a trimaran yacht named after the coastal city of Qingdao, East China's Shandong province, will set sail from Qingdao on Oct 21 for a series of exchange activities, according to the city's sailing administration center.

The yacht will travel along some of cities on the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road, including Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Singapore, Mirissa in Sri Lanka, Mumbai in India and Alexandria in Egypt, and conclude its journey in Monaco.

Guo Chuan, an enthusiastic Chinese navigator, became the first man to finish a 138-day solo nonstop circumnavigation on a class-40 boat in 2013, and his international crew will be responsible for the voyage.

The event, supported by the local government, enterprises and some sports associations, is aimed at promoting Qingdao's image as a sailing city through a number of cultural, trade, tourism and sport activities in the cities the trimaran yacht will call at, said Liu Yu, a director at the sailing administration center.

As China's main sailing city, Qingdao has hosted a number of international top sailing competitions and cultivated a group of sailing athletes in recent years, stated Liu, who also expressed the hope that the city can make more contributions to the worldwide development of the sport.

Edited by Mevlut Katik

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2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island