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Ambitious project set to deliver clean water next year
The eastern route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project has made obvious progress on pollution control, and will next year.
Spirits lifted by Qingdao festivals
'You've come at the right time," says the taxi driver who picks me up from the airport in Qingdao, Shandong province.
An Accidental style
Han Fang's clay creations are the results of serendipity.
Berry, berry good

Berry, berry good

Sunda expects China's blueberry market to be very lucrative in the next decade.

Sunda also coped with a harsh winter this year, which meant fewer blueberries went to market than he'd hoped, and challenges in soil nutrition, irrigation, plant-variety selection and the range of elevation.

"The topography of the area ranges from fairly steep, gravelly hillsides to loamy rolling hills," he says.

But you cultivate the plant the same way no matter where it is grown - and the effort, he insists, is well worth it.

"The demand for blueberries way outstrips the supply in China and this will continue for quite a while, perhaps 10 years as it did in the States," he says. "The profits will be exceptional during that period. After that, blueberries will become more of a commodity such as apples and pears. So there is a window of opportunity for those bold enough to jump off into this capital-intensive crop and not cut corners."

"Small farms will have a hard time because of the logistics of getting the somewhat fragile berries to market in good condition," he says, and they may need to band together into Western-style coops to share facilities and costs for cleaning, packing, marketing and distribution of their berries.

"My guess is that blueberry orchards in China will remain the domain of investment groups for many years to come with orchard sizes starting at 700 mu (47 hectares) and up."

Sunda says this was the first year he actually ate a blueberry in China, and that was from the farm he was working at.

"The berries didn't taste any different than what is grown back home in East Texas, delicious! I thought I might see a few blueberries surface at some of the banquets I have been privileged to attend but nothing yet.

"My traveling companion Fran was asked to help bake some blueberry cupcakes for the 'pick-your-own fruit' store at our field, which was a challenge as ingredients for such things (baking powder) are understandably not common in China."

But he was happy to take China on its own terms, and being from a rural area he adapted easily to some of the inconveniences his new neighbors faced, such as loss of Internet and occasionally electricity.

"And the flies provide a lot of entertainment 24 hours a day," he says. "The Chinese flies are much smarter and faster than their counterparts in the US. They wait patiently at the door to come in. Once inside, their evasive tactics include high speed mid-air maneuvers that are very difficult to track while stealth operations involved floor and ceiling deployments where they were either hard to see or out of reach.

"I was also impressed with the fly swatters here that have an extra-long, stout bamboo handle that helps combat these evasive tactics.

"Fran and I enjoyed visiting the local street markets. Fresh red meat - pork, goat and an occasional water buffalo - was always available, but no beef. Market day in the village was heralded by the squeal of a pig at 3 am as it was slaughtered for sale that day. Chicken and fish are generally held live until a customer comes along and points a finger.

"It goes without saying that the vegetables and fruits on sale were locally grown and in season. As far as freshness, you can't get much fresher than a village market in China."

By Mike Peters (China Daily)

Contact the writer at michaelpeters@chinadaily.com.cn


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