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Company Special: Overseas M&As globalize wine producer
Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co Ltd, the leading Chinese wine producer, will continue its presence in Europe, a top executive said.
Public service facilities drive innovation and training
The Jining High-Tech Zone utilizes public service facilities for technological innovation and professional training..
Star power publishing
Le Jia was about to launch his new book, his publisher decided to hold a public signing event in Beijing.
China's research vessel Xuelong leaves Qingdao for 5th Arctic expedition
China's research vessel Xuelong leaves Qingdao for 5th Arctic expedition

Children present their paintings and flowers to members of China's research vessel Xuelong, or "Snow Dragon," leaves the port of Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center for its fifth Arctic expedition in Qingdao, East China's Shandong province, July 2, 2012. Xuelong, an A-2 class icebreaker capable of breaking ice 1.2 meters thick, is estimated to travel over 17,000 nautical miles during its 90-day voyage. It is scheduled to return to Shanghai on Sept. 29. (Xinhua/Yu Fangping)

China's research vessel Xuelong leaves Qingdao for 5th Arctic expedition

Researchers and sailors of China's research vessel Xuelong, or "Snow Dragon," leaves the port of Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center for its fifth Arctic expedition in Qingdao, East China's Shandong province, July 2, 2012. Xuelong, an A-2 class icebreaker capable of breaking ice 1.2 meters thick, is estimated to travel over 17,000 nautical miles during its 90-day voyage. It is scheduled to return to Shanghai on Sept. 29. (Xinhua/Yu Fangping)

Edited by Chen Zhilin


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