As the birthplace of Confucius, the province has plans to make use of its historical legacies in its modern development.

"The creative industry — from filmmaking and entertainment to publishing and animation — as well as tourism, should look back to our deep Confucian roots to get special attention from the world," Jiang said.
Th rough greater cooperation with Japan and South Korea, the cities of Jinan, Qingdao and Yantai are expected to see robust growth in the animation industry, he said.
Energy conservation and environmental protection will not be left out of Shandong's development plan, Jiang said. A low-carbon, circular economy is being promoted around a central idea of cutting energy consumption and realizing a 90 percent treatment rate for urban sewage.
People to benefit
Jiang said the government will prioritize improvements to the public standard of living. He said through a series of social welfare policies, more can share the fruits of economic growth.
"We will try to improve people's living conditions and social security by building more aff ordable housing, raising farmers' incomes, reforming the healthcare system and increasing public services," Jiang explained. Th e government will continue to implement several policies on property development and land supply. It promises to invest 800 million yuan to build at least 305,100 government- subsidized affordable apartments this year.
The government also aims to increase the employment rate and create equal job opportunities among urban and rural residents.
Jiang said the government hopes to help 1.2 million rural laborers fi nd jobs in cities and off er 1 million new vacancies to urban residents.
The per capita disposable income of its urban residents and the net income of rural people will both increase by 10 percent this year, Jiang predicts. Th e governor said authorities will endeavor to balance the development of urban and rural areas.
"We will actively and prudently move forward with urbanization and construction of a new countryside," Jiang said.
He said the government will take significant steps toward the urban-rural integration of public services and infrastructure this year.
The governor also predicted Shandong's urbanization rate will surpass 52 percent this year, and the province is expected to lead the nation's latest push to build infrastructure in the countryside.
By Ju Chuanjiang and Wang Qian (China Daily Shandong Bureau)
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