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Gary Locke boosts US-Shandong ties on clean energy
A total of six contracts, worth more than 3 billion yuan ($470 million), were signed during the US-Shandong Energy Workshop held in Jinan.
Sister city program helps Shandong open up
The first of Shandong's cities to establish sisterly relations was Qingdao, with Japan's Shimonoseki in 1979.
Blind pet rescued from well
A blind dog that became trapped in an uncovered well has been reunited with its owner more than two months after going missing.
"City of springs" finds a good way to boost its image abroad

Delegates from Kfar Saba, Israel visited Jinan in 2009, breaking ground for the Israeli park at the Jinan International Garden and Flower Expo with local officials. Provided to China Daily

Since it established sister-city relations with Wakayama, Japan, in 1983, Jinan, the capital of Shandong province, has gone on to set up friendly ties with other 18 foreign cities.

"These increased ties with sister cities have helped Jinan increase its international cooperation," said Zhang Jianguo, the city's mayor.

For more than two decades, Jinan has joined cooperative events with sister cities on a regular basis, including a culture festival at Hwaseong Fortress in South Korea, a spring festival in Marmaris, Turkey, and an ocean culture festival in Szczecin, Poland.

Last year, Jinan took part in conferences with forums on sister city cultivation and a seminar on environmental protection in Japan's Yamaguchi, Changwon, in South Korea, and Jinan itself.

The activities have all gone a long way in promoting further exchanges and have provided Jinan with more modern technology and ideas.

Businesses from these cities have also visited Jinan looking for development opportunities and have taken part in international events, such as the Jinan International Information Technology Expo, the Jinan Autumn Trade Fair, and the Jinan International Garden and Flower Expo.

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09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island