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Lilian Group power base project signing ceremony held in Tai’an
On July 4, Jiangsu Lilian Group signed a contract with Tai’an Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone for its new power base project.
Qingdao sees its future of "blue Silicon Valley"
Qingdao has its sights on being China's "blue Silicon Valley" - an international center for marine science and technology.
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Unlike Robert, Zhang has never received any training, with TV programs of rock and structure climbing his best teacher.

"I only challenge a building once, no matter if I succeed or fail. What I care about most is the freedom of standing in the air," he said.

After Zhang began scaling buildings for real last year, his parents' calls have never stopped.

"I know mom and dad worry about me," he said in a low voice, "but I don't want to give up what I really like."

"I remembered they often ran after me when I was climbing houses a few years ago and persuaded me to keep away from this dangerous sport many times," he said seriously, adding he felt guilty for his parents.

"I know they love me very much, but it's my choice. If I told my family my current life, they'd be more concerned more about me or even stop my climbing. So that's the conflict," he said with a shrug.

Zhou Jun, his colleague at a media company in Penglai, Shandong province, said the young man was full of dreams he was trying to fulfill.

"Although I didn't agree with him doing such a dangerous sport, I admire and respect his attitude to life," he said, adding Zhang is a man who has deep thoughts and clear goals.

Recently, Zhang challenged the 37-floor tower of China Central Television's new headquarter on Nov 4.

Passers-by watched in wonder as he stood on the top of the structure, but police were not so impressed and detained him for disrupting public order.

"While I get applause or approval for climbing, I lose something at the same time, for instance detention, fines, criticism and injuries. It's a kind of balance."

He plans to visit France, which embraces an atmosphere of extreme sports.

"I'll try to scale Eiffel Tower within two years," he said.

By Cao Yin (China Daily)

(China Daily 11/15/2011 page2)

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