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Shandong-Taiwan economic and trade fair highlights high-tech products
The 16th annual Shandong-Taiwan Economic and Trade Fair has attracted over 600 enterprises from both sides.
Pupils in Shandong greet new semester
Pupils obtain textbooks for the new semester at the Primary School Attached to Shandong Normal University in Jinan on Aug. 31, 2010.
Poised for takeoff
An oil painter, a photographer and an art apprentice come together to make a full-length feature on birds. Ju Chuanjiang, Zhao Ruixue and Wang Qian report
Olympic Sailing Center to axe fees

Olympic Sailing Center to axe fees

With the completion of the Olympic Sailing Theater, Olympic Sailing Museum andXinhaiPlaza, Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center is attracting increasing visitor numbers. In order to meet demand, starting next month and except on important international contests, the Center will no longer charge ticket fees to visitors.

Olympic Sailing Center to axe fees

"The decision to stopping charging ticket fees not only indicates the center’s willingness to benefit citizens, but also answers the call of reality", said Qiu Yue, the person in charge of publicity for Qingdao Chengtou Corporation.

For the moment,Qingdaohas already entered the post-Olympic era and several new construction projects have almost been completed.

Olympic Sailing Center to axe fees

Of interest to the public is the news that the Olympic Sailing Center will not be limited to just a sight-seeing place; cuisine, entertainment and leisure will also be integrated into the resort.

August 8this the first anniversary for the Beijing Olympic Games and on the 9th this August the Qingdao International Sea Festival will kick off.

Olympic Sailing Center to axe fees

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09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island