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15 billion yuan invested to build a world carnival in Qingyuan
By Li Jing ( China Daily )
Updated: 2010-11-30

15 billion yuan invested to build a world carnival in Qingyuan

Qingyuan Municipal Government announced Nov 26 that a delegation will make an inspection trip to the World Carnival (Beijing) Investment Co Ltd. The group made up of officials from the city’s financial, planning, land and housing departments aims to review the organization’s proposal for building a world carnival project in Qingyuan, Guangdong province. Qingyuan will strive to include the project into its list of projects for the 12th Five Year Plan and begin construction as soon as possible.

Along with Disney theme parks and Universal Studios, World Carnival is one of world’s top three entertainment providers. Thanks to the transportable nature of its attractions, the super-sized fair can bring rides, games and food to host cities across the world. The World Carnival first came to the Chinese mainland in 2003 when it visited Shanghai.

The completed project will be a large-scale entertainment and commerce complex. The project plans include indoor and outdoor areas. The indoor attractions will take up most of the space, but commercial streets and riverside paths will be attractive outdoor alternatives.

With an estimated total investment of 15 billion yuan, the park hopes to bring in 3 million visitors and 800 million yuan in revenue annually. It will provide about 5,000 direct employment opportunities, as well as 20,000-30,000 jobs in relevant industries.

The successful launch of World Carnival Qingyuan project will also benefit the city’s tourism, which is currently one of the city’s pillar industries. Qingyuan has been working to shape itself into “a city of rapids, hot springs, enchanting caves and folk customs”. It has the largest number of 4A-level scenic spots among all cities in Guangdong province. Hot springs and white water rafting on the nearby rapids have garnered international fame.

The World Carnival Qingyuan project will make full use of the city’s resources to shape strong local characteristics into the project and ensure a full-time operation.

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