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Eastern Chinese city taking part in investment symposium in South Australia

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-12-04

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Qingdao's commerce bureau, Shandong province, got a string of local trade enterprises to participate in the investment symposium which was held by the South Australian government in Adelaide, capital of the state, with the expectation of promoting economic and trade cooperation with China.

Sean Keenihan, president of Australia China Business Council's SA branch, gave a picture of the cooperation in regards to stocks raising, and the wine and food processing industry between South Australia and China, and presented a speech to promote 15 key projects in seafood, agriculture and clean energy.

The Qingdao delegation paid a visit to South Australia's Trade and Economic Development Department and Food Association where the two parties held in-depth talks to boost the trade cooperation in beef and mutton, as well as in dairy products. It also had a chance to get a look at the Australia 1847 Winery, subsidiary of Shandong Zhenbaogu Wines Co., helping them gain a better understanding of the "going-out" strategy.