Canada's Saskatchewan province seeks investment from Qingdao

Updated: 2014-05-26

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An official delegation from the Canadian province of Saskatchewan's Ministry of the Economy visited the eastern Chinese coastal city of Qingdao on May 19 to invite investment from Qingdao-based enterprises.

Chunyu Xianli, deputy director of the Qingdao commerce bureau, met the guests and made a presentation of Qingdao's economic and social development. He voiced the hope to work together with the Saskatchewan government in promoting two-way investments and exchange of talent.

The Saskatchewan delegation briefed the Qingdao officials on the province's basic information, including its economy, major industries, traffic and transport, as well as the latest developments of the province.

The two sides had in-depth discussions about the potential fields that Qingdao enterprises may invest in and issues concerning land, tax, and import and export of goods.

The province of Saskatchewan is located in central Canada, with an area of 650,000 square kilometers and a population of 1.11 million. Its major industries include agriculture, forestry and mining. It is the world’s largest exporter of uranium.