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'Loving Jilin' social media competition


'Loving Jilin' social media competition

Jilin province is holding a "Loving Jilin" social media competition for expats studying or working in the province or for anyone who has had some experience here, in recognition of the foreigners who have played a positive role in education and innovation here or those who have even established families and settled down here.

 The contest has the support of the provincial government information office and the education department who say that these ideas are part of the dialogue between expats living in Jilin and the foreigners who have been here. They want to hear your personal feelings about life here and how you feel about the people, the attractions, the weather, or the food in a way that is vivid, inspired, and interesting with a broader perspective, or of the lives and of people in Jilin through the popular social media (e.g. Weibo and Wechat).

 Suggested themes

1) Impressions of one place, attraction, folk dance, or the weather. 2) A trip to some place or a particular tourist attraction. 3) Fondest food. 4) A short piece on studies, work, or travel here. 5) A story of Jilin friends or anything interesting. You can have a broader theme and do not have stick strictly to one topic.

A Wechat post is to be no longer than 100 words either in Chinese or English with anywhere from 6 - 9 photos. Video clips need to be compressed to less than 200M. How to apply This activity asks participants to post short messages and photos via their personal social media accounts (e.g. Weibo and Wechat), May 5-16, for submitting social media posts to 2945421709@qq.com for consideration.

Then, those with a higher score will be shortlisted and posted on the provincial government Weibo and Wechat accounts for comment by the public. Then a jury will select the top entries from those that have gained the highest popular vote from the two social media accounts, May 18 - 26. Applicants are also encouraged to give a brief description of their motivation for taking the video clip and the main idea of it in either English or Chinese.

Application deadline

 May 16, 2016


1) First Place (3 selections)

2) Second Place (5 )

3) Third Place (8 )

4) Outstanding organization 5)

All the winners will receive a certificate and will be invited for an expense-paid one-week tour of the province.
