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Changchun decorates zebra crossing for children’s safety


Changchun, the capital city of Jilin, has decorated a zebra crossing with heart-shaped signs close to Changchu Zhonghai primary school.

Changchun decorates zebra crossing for children’s safety

The primary school is located very close to a street intersection with heavy traffic flows, so it is very unsafe for kids to go across the street before and after school, according to an official from the city’s bureau of transportation.[Photo provided to ejilin.gov.cn]

The official went on to say, "so we drew 18 signs in orange onto the pedestrian crossing to remind those vehicle drivers of slowing down, and the heart-shape also shows our love for children and our concerns for their safety."

Changchun decorates zebra crossing for children’s safety

The heart-shaped decorations have been there for 2 years, and are much liked by both kids and drivers, one local resident said.[Photo provided to ejilin.gov.cn]

Other cities in China have added similar signs to their cities’ zebra crossings.

